Anglers care about tides because it impacts their outings. If you know how tides work and how they impact your fishing experiences, you could take advantage of every kind of tide. A common question people ask about tide and everything related is how long does slack tide last? You can do many things during slack tide so it is understandable if you are curious about slack tides and slack water, this article is for you. Here, we will discuss what this occurrence is, how long it lasts and also answer some tide-related questions.
About slack tide
Unlike high tide and low tides that are commonly talked about and also easy to grasp, slack tide is not frequently talked about and it might pose a bit of challenge to some people. Simply put, the tide is the rise and fall of water level in the sea, ocean, and so on. When the water currents move, the water rises and reaches a maximum which is the high tide. The water level also falls and reaches a minimum height which is referred to as low tide. Before the low tide, there is a moment when the water remains still and does not flow. This moment is called slack tide. That time when there is no water movement is the slack tide.
To understand it better, think of it this way. The high tide and slow tide are alternating themselves. As such, after high tide, there will be low tide. After high tide, the water level will recede for low tide to occur. At that turning point, there is a few minutes where the water does not move. This is the slack tide.
Tide occurs as a result of the gravitational force of the moon, sun, and earth. The water flows in what is called flood tide and ebb tide. That time when the sea level is high, that is, water flows to the seashore is referred to as flood tide. Then there is the time when there is a fall in seal level such that the water recedes, thereby revealing a large wet sand by the seashore. This period is called ebb tide.
In a nutshell, slack tide is the difference between high and low tide and vice versa. When this occurs, there is no water movement.
How long does slack tide last
Most times, slack water lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes. Slack tide does not last for so long because it is the turning point in tidal current. It is what you might think of as the breathing space when the water takes a break from rising or falling. Slack tide can occur after high tide as well as after low tide.
Slack tide and slack water
You must have heard people mention ‘slack tide’ and ‘slack water’ and are wondering if they are different concepts. These terms refer to the same thing in many ways. Both phenomenons refer to the time when the water is at rest, when it is not flowing out or flowing in.
Is slack tide the best time to dive?”
In places where the tides are usually aggressive, slack tide can be the best time to go diving. If the water current is flowing and there is high tide, you sure will be fighting the waves and this can be tiring even for professional divers. If you go in when the water is receding, it might be difficult for you to swim towards the shore as the water current will be flowing away from the shore. It is rather unsafe to dive during high tidal currents. If you are diving during slack water, the less or no water movement makes it easier for you and also limits the danger of you being carried away by water current.
The same way divers and swimmers are conscious of the tide, anglers are as well. The state of the water can impact fishing. Some fishes are active and bite more when there is tidal flow. However, these fishes are less active when there is slack. As a fisherman, it is essential to understand the water flow in the region where you are fishing and take advantage of the times that fishing for the species you are after will be more favourable.
How do you know when it’s slack tide?
This usually occurs when the water is still and there is no tidal current. Ordinarily, it might be difficult to calculate the time of high and low tide to know when it is occuring. However, ports and people have a way of calculating this using a tide table.
How long does it take for the tide to go in and out?
When the tide comes out, it is high tide or flood tide. When it goes in, it is low tide or ebb tide. When the water comes out, it takes 6 hours, 12.5 minutes for it to stay before it goes in. it also takes the same length of time for it to come out when it goes in. This is often the case in most coastal regions where they record to high tides and two low tides in a lunar day which is 24 hours 50 minutes.
What is slack water after high tide?
Slack water after high tide is that time when the water is at rest after flowing out. At this time, the water is full. It is the time after flood tide and before ebb tide occurs.
Slack tide is that time between high and low tide when the water remains still. That is, slack tide can occur after high tide as well as after low tide. However it occurs, the slack tide lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes. Slack tide is a great time to dive if you are in an area where the water movement is usually vigorous. It is the best time to dive in many places. Fishermen also take note of water movement as it can impact their fishing activities.
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