The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has introduced updated regulations for the 2024 fishing season, now on file with the Secretary of State’s office. Anglers are advised of a newly implemented striped bass filet law applicable to all. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:
Black Sea Bass:
- Private anglers must adhere to a 16.5-inch minimum size, with a daily limit of two fish per person from May 21 to Aug. 26, and three fish per person from Aug. 27 to Dec. 31.
- Party and charter boats have a 16-inch minimum size requirement, with a season running from June 18 to Aug. 31 allowing for two fish per person per day, and from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 with a six fish per person per day limit.
- Boats have an 11-inch minimum size, while shore fishing requires a minimum of 9.5 inches.
- Private anglers can catch up to 30 fish per person per day from May 1 to Dec. 31.
- Party/charter season spans from May 1 to Aug. 31 with a 30 fish per person per day limit, a bonus season from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 allowing 40 fish per person per day, and from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31 returning to the 30 fish per person per day limit.
- Regulations remain unchanged, allowing three fish per person per day for private anglers and five fish per angler per day for party and charter boats. No minimum size requirements.
- Maximum of 10 fish per vessel per day (not applicable to charter boats).
- Minimum size of 16 inches, with varying season limits throughout the year.
Striped Bass:
- One fish per person per day within the slot size of 28 to less than 31 inches.
- Additional provisions include the use of circle hooks and the prohibition of gaffs when fishing recreationally.
New: Striped Bass Recreational Fileting Law:
- Striped bass must be retained whole, with no mutilation preventing accurate measurement.
- Only two filets per legal striped bass per angler are permitted.
- No possession of filets while actively fishing with lines in the water. Filets must be kept until vessels are secure to dock or removed from the water.
Summer Flounder (Fluke):
- The minimum size increased to 19 inches for 2024 with a possession limit of six fish per person per day.
For full details on the new regulations, visit the RI Secretary of State’s website. Additionally, special shore angling sites for summer flounder have been designated, allowing for specific catch limits. Visit our website for the list of these locations.